This is where your little one’s journey in gymnastics begins. Pre-school gymnastics is a specifically designed program to incorporate the early stages and progressions of gymnastics with the early years foundation stage (EYFS). The EYFS program is what all children attending any registered childcare setting or nursery will follow to monitor and develop their learning in several different areas.
In every child’s early years it is important to develop all areas of their learning, although gymnastics more predominantly falls under the physical side of this, during the teaching we incorporate the use of colours, numbers, sounds, singing, co-ordination and many more.
High Springers runs a pre-school program from 2-5yrs old. Within our program we develop termly plans which include the foundations for gymnastics, the use of different equipment, an introduction to rolls, shapes and landings and a specific focus for each week.
Our classes are tailored to suit the age and ability of those in the class. We have a full range of equipment including bars, soft vault, training beams, wedges, soft floor area, trampette and much more!
These classes are parent assisted and offer an early introduction into gymnastics. The warm up is coach lead and usually includes an entrance and warm up song. Each parent and child will find a spot and sit on it ready for their weekly warm up.
During the class the coach will set up a circuit based on the focus for that week. For example it may be a balancing circuit. The parents will encourage and help their child around the circuit whilst the coach will have a side station for each child to practice a more difficult skill. This for example may be use of the bar, a beam skill, forward/backward rolls or a more challenging floor task such as handstand preparations!
These classes independent and offer an introduction into the basic gymnastics skills. The whole class is coach led where the children will find a floor spot upon arrival and begin the warm up in a circle together. There will be a circuit where the pre-schoolers are encouraged to explore the different stations and challenges such as climbing up on a beam and balancing on their own along it, jumping and landing in certain patterns, walking and balancing on different levels of equipment. The coach will provide a side station which will be the main focus/ learning stage for the group. As they pass round the circuit they will be supported and talked through how to complete the skill. This will aim to be more difficult/ challenging skills that require a coach such as circling around a bar, forward/backward rolls on floor and beam, handstands, vault running combinations etc.
Each session the coach will set up a circuit based on the focus for that week. For example it may be a balancing circuit. The parents will encourage and help their child around the circuit whilst the coach will have a side station for each child to practice a more difficult skill. This for example may be use of the bar, a beam skill, forward/backward rolls or a more challenging floor task such as handstand preparations! All these skills may seem as though they have no relevance to gymnastics as such however these are the most important preparations and pre-requisites for all gymnastics skills. If they are able to achieve these at a young age it will help them progress much quicker when entering into the 5yrs+ classes.
Monday @ Bushey Grove Leisure Centre, WD23 2TD
9.45-10.30am 2-3yrs Parent Assisted
10.30-11.15am 3-5yrs Independent
Wednesday @ Bushey Grove Leisure Centre, WD23 2TD
9.30-10.15 am 3-5yrs Independent
10.15-11am 2-3yrs Parent Assisted
11-12.15pm – Open Gymnastics PAYG session
(£6 per child +£2 siblings)
1.15-2pm 3-5yrs Independent
Friday @ Hartspring Lane Community Centre, Bushey, WD23 2BJ
9.15-10am 3-5yrs Independent
10.05-10.50am 2-3yrs Parent Assisted
Saturday @Bushey Grove Leisure Centre, WD23 2TD
9-9.45am 3-5yrs Independent